Here are a few things we like to share with people who are in the unfortunate situation known as an auto accident:
- Injuries usually take a couple days before the worst of their presentation. Soft tissue injuries often present themselves after the muscles start to relax and the spasms back off.
- Most injuries won't be evident to you right away, so it is very important to have someone check you out and make sure there is not anything truly wrong. Whiplash is an example of this; it does not mean you are a candidate for a cervical collar, or that you will have horrible pain, just that you may have residual effects. There’s nothing worse than finding out years later that there was something you could have done.
- The responsible party from the accident is also responsible to get you to pre-accident status. If the other person was at fault, they are responsible to fix your car and you. If you are the responsible party your insurance will pay for your care. Remember, this is what you have insurance for. If it is not turned into the insurance you can still come in, we won't tell them if you don't want, but that is what the insurance is there for.
- You have 2 years from the date of injury (accident) to get fixed, so be slow to tell yourself or anyone from the insurance companies that you are "ok". If the accident happened within the last two years, the case is still valid--unless you have signed a release. So think long and hard before signing one. Also, if you have filed a suit with the responsible party, your case can be open longer than a year.
- Your long term well-being is what is important, not how you feel now, or just trying to put it behind you. The body is amazing at healing, but don’t confuse that with thinking it doesn’t need some help when there has been an accident.
It's always a good idea to get checked out by a chiropractor after a car accident. Chiropractic looks at the bones, muscles, nerves, and how the structures are functioning together so it is a natural fit!
Here are some auto accident FAQs:
No. We will get a hold of the insurance company so we can make sure the responsible insurance company takes care of your bill. We will wait for the case to close for our payment. The responsible party from the accident is also responsible to get you to pre-accident status. If the other person was at fault, they are responsible for your treatment. If you are the responsible party, your insurance will pay for your car. Remember, this is what you have insurance for. If it is not turned into the insurance you can still come in, we won't tell them if you don't want, but that is what the insurance is there for.e
If there is any financial responsibility that you have we will let you know right away. We have to wait years sometimes for our money, and that is ok with us. Getting you fixed comes first.
Yes, you are entitled to receive care wherever you would like to. The responsible party's insurance is there to cover the expense of your care.
No. In the state of Illinois, and most others, a chiropractor is a primary care doctor. That means when we do a thorough exam and come up with a treatment plan, your insurance will follow that. If for some reason they need more information we can pass that along. The coverage will be reviewed with you within the first couple of visits.
If you have uninsured motorist coverage your insurance should cover you. It is often best to give us your insurance information when you first come in so we can make some calls to see where we stand with your situation.
These are a few of the most frequently asked questions about auto accidents at Monee Wellness. If you have additional questions or need more information about any of the questions listed here, please feel free to contact us, we would be happy to answer any of your questions!