About Us

about usChiropractic care uses spinal alignment to relieve physical ailments, like muscle strain, neck pain, and chronic back pain. It adjusts the spinal column for non-invasive pain relief. We take pride in our training and desire to help people relieve their pain and live a better life!


The word "Chiropractic" comes from the Greek words for "done by hand." This term, which reflects the hands-on nature of the practice, was wisely chosen by Daniel David Palmer, the ingenious founder of chiropractic care. In 1895, Palmer performed a revolutionary chiropractic adjustment on Harvey Lillard, a humble janitor who had been suffering from hearing problems. Miraculously, Lillard experienced a remarkable improvement in his hearing following the adjustment. Recognizing the potential of this groundbreaking technique, Palmer proceeded to establish the world's very first chiropractic school just two years later. Ever since, chiropractic professionals have been employing spinal adjustments with exceptional success to alleviate a wide array of physical ailments such as back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle strain, headaches, migraines, and more.

How do chiropractors do what we do?

Chiropractors undergo extensive education and training to become skilled practitioners in their field. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in science or gaining experience in healthcare, they enroll in a specialized college where they dedicate at least four years to studying various aspects of chiropractic care. During this time, they immerse themselves in over 4,200 hours of intense learning from experienced teachers, absorbing knowledge on anatomy, physiology, and the intricacies of the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, they undergo 1,000 hours of supervised clinical training to gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating patients. This comprehensive training equips them with the necessary expertise to assess your body's needs and provide tailored treatments aimed at promoting healing and restoring proper function.

How we help

Many people tend to associate chiropractic treatment solely with the alleviation of back pain. However, it is important to note that chiropractic care extends beyond addressing such discomforts. In fact, chiropractic treatment has demonstrated its effectiveness in providing relief for a wide array of physical ailments, ranging from the debilitating grip of migraines to the persistent presence of chronic pain. Additional conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care include carpal tunnel syndrome, injuries incurred during physical activities or accidents, and muscle strains that hinder daily functionality. By taking a holistic approach to wellness, chiropractic care offers a comprehensive solution to individuals seeking relief from various physical ailments, promoting a better quality of life.